Tuesday, August 31, 2010

UPI << My favourite Director \m/

Haiii Bloggerrockz yang cakep2
Gw mau share tentang Director Favourite gw. Her name is Upi.Pertama gw denger tu nama,gw kira cowok(maaf kak Upi) ,tapi akhirnya gw tau kalo do'i itu cewek.Langsung aja gw mulai bahasan yang kali ini

Upi adalah Sutradara,Penulis skenario Indonesia.Upi menyutradarai film "30 hari mencari cinta" pada tahun 2004.Film yang dibintangi Nirina Zubir, Maria Agnes, Revaldo, dan Dinna Olivia dengan di produksi oleh perusahaan Rexcinema Production dan komposernya Andi Rianto.Selain itu masi banyak lagi hasil-hasil karya Upi yang buat gw kagum2 ma tuh film.Nah ini beberapa film yang di sutradari/ditulis/diproduserin oleh Upi :

 Filmography :
- 30 Hari Mencari Cinta (2004)
- Realita, Cinta dan Rock'n Roll (2006)
- Perempuan Punya Cerita (2007)
- Radit dan Jani (2008)
- Serigala Terakhir (2009)
- Red CobeX (2010)

- Tusuk Jelangkung (2003)
- Lovely Luna (2004)
- 30 Hari Mencari Cinta (2004)
- Realita, Cinta dan Rock'n Roll (2006)
- Coklat Stroberi' (2007)
- Serigala Terakhir (2009)
- Red CobeX (2010)

- Coklat Stroberi' (2007)

Pasti pada tau kan film2 yang gw tulis di atas? tuh caadass banget guys,apa lagi Realita cinta Rock n roll,Radit n Jani(gw ga bisa nahan aer mata gw waktu Radir ikhlasin Si Jani buat laki-laki laen padahal Radit cinta mati tuh sama Jani,keren abis dah ,gw rekomendasiin ,wajib nonton!! ),Serigala terakhir.Khusus buat film Serigala Terakhir,Film ini adalah film pertama Upi yang bertema Action.Jadi bisa dibayangin betapa kerja kerasnya Upi buat film yang satu ini.Nah gw share aja nih proses Upi buat film actionnya yang pertama, klik aja ni Upi-Serigala Terakhir

Gimana gw ga kagum ama karya2 nya do'i,sampe gw nonton berulang2 tuh film,soalnya rock n roll abis,\m/ !!
.Gw pengen punya cewek ,yang rock n roll kaya Kak Upi,tapi selama ini gw  belum perna dapet cewek yang kaya gitu,(mungkin suatu saat Tuhan pasti kasi jawaban buat hal itu)hehe

harapan gw buat Kak Upi,cepet2 buat film lagi,kalau temanya tentang cinta,semoga lebih romantis,supaya bisa ngalain film2 barat yang romantis banget.Kalau tema Rock n roll,lebih rock deh ,kalo bisa sih ngalain Realita cinta rock n roll,biar tambah cadass tuh.Nah satu lagi,Gw berharap,Kak Upi sekali2 terjun di filmnya sendiri alias maen di depan layar juga,jangan dibelakang layar melulu (kalau bisa),pasti keeren abis tuh,apa lagi lawan maennya Vino Bastian,\m/

Yang pengen tau lebih lagi tentang Upi klik aja Upi's Blog




Tulisan kali ini singkat aja,gw pengen cerita bencana kedua yang gw alamin dalam kurun waktu 2 hari,kemaren gw cerita kalo gw kehilangan HP gw di taxi.Hari ini gw sama temen2 gw pergi ke suatu Mall buat nonton skalian beli titipan kk gw,sebelum pergi,gw beli tu charger buat hape CDMA temen gw,Eh ga taunya kejadian kemaren ngulang,tu charger ketinggalan di dalem taxi,anjink ga??,ada apa ya kira2 bisa 2 hari kelupaan mulu.Pertanda buruk kah?

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hai Blogger rocks yang ganteng dan cantik2
gw mau share cerita yang bertema "fucking karma",karena gw baru dapet suatu bencana yang buat gw ga percaya dengan yang namanya karma! .Begini ceritanya,3 anak ganteng ingin pergi ke suatu pusat perbelanjaan,dan gw ada di antara 3 orang itu.Naek taxi bertiga,gw masi asik megang hape gw di dalem taxi sambil ngetwiit ga jelas,dan akhirnya sampailah di tempat tujuan,liat argo 17ribu rupiah,temen gw yang duduk depan gaada duit pas,gw keluarin dompet (mungkin hape gw jatuh di sofa atau dimana kek),terus,kami turun deh,sampe di dalem mall,gw baru sadar tuh hape ga ada di kantong gw!! biasanya gw selalu inget ma tu hape,soalnya gw slalu pegang buat brows ato ngetwit,tapi ntah kenapa waktu itu gw ga inget sama sekali,memang bangsattttt!! Sadar hape gw ilang,gw suruh temen gw telpon tu hape (siapa tau ada anjink yang baek hati mau balikin tu hape),telpon sampe berpuluh2 kali (masih aktif nomernya) ga di angkat2,tuh anjink2 lagi pada sibuk kali ya(cari tulang kali,atau cari kucing garong,keong racun skalian).Sampai akhirnya gw putusin manggil taxi laen yang sejenis sama taxi pertama yang kami naekin.Nah disana gw tanya2 tu supir gmna pendapatnya tentang bencana yang gw alami,mau tau jawabanny? dengan nada medok jawanya " wah susah itu kalo hp,bb ya?apa lagi,inget ga no taxi itu?susah kalo gitu,armada kami bukan cuma 100 200 bla bla bla" ,anjink ga tu orang?uda tau orang ge khawatir,bukannya to do point ajeeee pak!! ,puncaknya,waktu temen gw telpon tu hape,mati ga idup2 lagi ,gw si cuma bisa tarik napas sambil ngo dalem hato ( mimpi apa gw semalem bisa dapet musibah kaya gini).Ga rela banget gw kehilangan tu hape,bukan msalah harga atau hapenya,data2,contact,dll isi disana (ada puisi dari ex gebetan gw lagi :p).Emang keparat bangsat jaahanam yang nemu hape gw ,gw sumpahin deh!!.Tapi setelah gw berfikir,ini adalah cobaan dari Tuhan,dan melatih kesabaran gw dalam melepaskan sesuatu yang kita sayang ,kan barang yang kita cintai hanya titipan Tuhan guys,ya ga?.Kali aja dah yang nemu hape gw ,emang lagi butuh duit buat hal yang positif,skrg gw harep,tu hasil penjualan hape gw,oleh si om,tante,buk,pak,pakde,bude,kek.nek,opa,oma.opung,dll lah,bisa digunakan buat hal yang bermanfaat lah(AMINNN). Kalau bencana ini di bilang jalan Tuhan,honestly,gw kurang setuju,karena setau gw,jalan Tuhan buat anak2nya ga ada yang suram,tapi ini gw anggep cobaan dari yang Maha Kuasa.Pesen gw buat yang biasa naek taxi:
1.Periksa nomor seri taxi (bukan plat) tapi nomor taxi yang ada diseblah pintu (contoh c365,b969,dll)
2.hapalin tu nama supirnya(PENTING ITU JEK!!!)
3.Periksa barang2 sebelum, beener2 turun dari tu taxi
4.berdoa jek,supaya ga dapet bencana,

nah ga sepenuhnya keteledoran penumpang,sbagai perusahaan  jasa yang memberikan service atau melayani,perusahaan jasa itu harus memberi pelayanan yang maksimal,Bilang kek ke penumpang waktu turun " liat dulu mbak,mas,dek,ko,ada ga barang yang ketinggalan" ,atau langsung cek isi taxi ada atau ga barang ketinggalan ,dan kalau ada kan bisa dipanggil penumpang,Kalo gini kan bisa mereduce kejahatan di negara kita tercinta guys!!
oh iya hubungannya sama karma,gini,pertaama sih gw percaya tuh sama si karmaASSHOLE,tapi setelah gw dapet ni bencana,gw jadi ga percaya dan benci ama yang namanya karma!!,gw ga perna ga balikin brang orang kalo gw ktemu,sumpah dah,gw slalu balikin yang bukan hak milik gw,emang bangsatt kan??

sekarang gw uda ngrelain tu hape,semoga yang ketemu diberkati Tuhan lebih lagi,Aminnnnn


Friday, August 27, 2010

My Rock n Roll life

Nah skrg gw mau cerita tentang hidup gw yang campur aduk,hehe.Nama gw asli kayak yang diblog gw (CRW) itu inisialny,kepanjanganny Christian Rionaldo Wijaya.Ya pasti banyak yang bilang gw buat2 nama sendiiri,tapi itu nama asli jek,di akte kelahiran gw gitu namanya,jadi whatever u say la,”kiss my ass if you don’t like me” ,lol.Gw seorang mahasiswa disebuah universitas swasta di Ibukota.Gw punya banyak cita2,dan cita2 yang gw pengen ga sesuai yang gw pelajarin di kuliah,but,I must try to love that,skrg lumayan tertarik dengan apa yang saya pelajarin,hehe.Masa bodoh la gw mau jadi apa ntar,yang jelas gw harus mesti punya duit yang cukup buat ngidupin ortu di masa mreka tua ntar,Pokoknya cita2 gw skrg ga muluk2,punya keluarga,punya apapun yang gw mau,punya duit yang cukup yang sampe 7turunan ga abis2 (gini ga muluk2?gmn muluk nya ya?) hahahha ,peduli taik lah,namanya juga cita2,ga tau bisa terwujud atau ga.
Motto hidup saya : “don’t look before just see the future” ,sadaappppp

Gw orangnya simple lah,I’m just an ordinary boy kok,yang punya sejuta mimpi dan angan2,hehe.Dan gw paling ga seneng yang namanya Diskriminasi,rasisme,Fanatik terhadap agama suku dan taik2 yang lain la.Mau mata sipit,mata belok,kulit putih,kulit hitam,rambut lurus,rambut keriting,kita semua sama jek,sama2 orang Indonesia,sama2 lahir disini,kita smua keluarga,masi ada aja yang beda2in,Mau Cina mau pribumi,mau apa kek,kalo terus2an gini kapan Indonesia mau maju?,ga liat apa Perjuangan Bung Karno buat Indonesia?nangis pasti dia liat Indonesia kaya gini,buka mata kalian lebar2 lah,stop diskriminasi,rasisme,dan taik kotok yang lainny.Mending kita perangin Negara tetangga yang reseh itu(LOH*).Anyway I’m not a right person to talk about it,forget it guys.

Gw anak tunggal dari 3 saudara,(???),hehe gw 3 saudara,dan gw anak ke dua,kata orang sih anak ke 2 kemungkinan gede pasti bandel,troublemaker,dll.Tapi gw ga ngerasa gitu sih,yah terserah orang si mau nilai gmn.Bokap gw (dirumah gw panggil papi),seorang kontraktor(bukan yang dimana2 ngontrak),Beliau sosok Ayah yang komplit alias ga pelit la sama anak2nya,baik iya,perhatian iya,pokoknya topcer deh,tambahan ,bokap gw gaol loh,ga mau ketinggalan sama si zaman dia,hahhaha \m/ bokap gw.Tapi bokap gw cerewet oragnya,waktu gw SMA,balik malem pasti langung kena semprrot,pdahal gw uda 17 tahun tu,ga asik banget y? ckcck,laen dengan nyokap gw.Nyokap jarang ngelarang gw,ga tau deh dia lupa ya kali saama gw?ato ga sayang sm gw? , peduli taik la,ambil positif aja,beliau pasti percaya apa yang dbuat oleh anaknya yang ganteng ini,hehehe. Tapi kalo nyokap uda merepet,behhhhhh *males gw bahasny* ,hahah forget it!!!

Nah guys,sosok yang satu ini sosok yang paling deket sama saya di segi manapun.He is my brother,anak sulung yang bener2 punya jiwa pemimpin buat adek2nya,dewasa,bijak,pokoknya deket dia sama gw,beruntung punya kk kaya dia,cocok jadi anak sulung emang, dia perna batalin kuliahnya ke Malaysit,Malaysia mskd gw,karena bokap lagi susah,dan bokap harus merintis karir baru ,jadi butuh biaya ynang cukup banyak.Kalo dulu sih gw sering di gebuk2 ole kk gw,tapi skrg dia uda berubah,jadi THE BEST la pkoknya.,gw ga bisa bayangin idup gw kalo ga ada dia? *mellow*.Laen dengan adik perempuan gw,gw kurang deket ama dia.Berhubung dia anak cewek sendiri,yah gitu deh,rada manja,minta ini itu dibeliin,ga heran sih,dia otaknya emang lebih jalan kalo masalah belajar belajar dan belajar.Tapi overall dy sosok adik yang Best juga lah.oh iya,ada hal yang gw ga suka dari dia,dia hobi maen basket,bahkan dia wakilin kota buat ikut kejuaraan basket,actually gw ga akan perna ridhoin adik gw maen basket,tapi kalo itu cita2nya,gw ga akan perna mau ngerusak cita2 orang.haha.

Dari keluarga gw,sekarang kita beranjak ke cerita cinta,*asikk*.Gw kayaknya sekarang ga percaya dengan yang namanya “Cinta”,apa sih itu cinta? ,binatang ngerangkak,berjalan atau terbang? ( mulai deh jayusnya) .Tapi bukan berarti gw ga perna pacaran,selama ini gw pacaran paling lama cumin 10 bulan,itu pun putus nyambung nya.Buat sekarang gw coba buat ga pacaran dolo lah,kayaknya gw masi labil buat pacaran,gw belom mapan,nunggu suatu saat yang tepat gw pasti dapet juga yang namanya pasangan hidup.Kadang2 kasian cewek yang pcaran ama gw,hidup susah mulu,jalan kaki,kalo ga naek taxi.,apa jadinya kalo dia ada temen yang cowoknya pake Mercy terbaru yg selal jemput anter pacarny? Pasti iri dan bisa pindah hati lah guys!!,apa coba yang bs dharapkan dari gw? Udah pemales,jorok.ga pinter,ga tajir,bukan anak GAOL,ga pernah keluar negri,ga ELIT la pokoknya,mungkin rating tentang diri gw cumin 6,5-7.Makanya gw ga mau pacaran dulu,kasian kan pacar gw kalo idup susah?ahahah.Ntar juga pasti gw dapet kok,its matter of time guys!!! Let it flow lah,ga punya pacar,tapi punya sahabat2 yang syg sama gw,itu udah cukup !! (ga menghibur diiri)

Ga tau lagi mau ketik apa guys,sekian dolo

Salam buat orang cakep yang Rock n roll
Dari orang cakep yang Rock n roll


Cerita Indah cerita SMA

 Dibawah ini gw buat waktu perpisahan SMA dulu,GOKIL ga dolo pas SMA?wakaka

" ku ku ru yuk"

Bunyi ayam jantan berkokok
Menandakan hari sudah subuh

Sebagian dari kita ada yang shollat

Ada pula yang suda bangun
Dan ada yang masih terlelap dlam tdurnya..

Tepat pukul 6.45

Lonceng berbunyi

Identitas sebagai siswa SMA kita telah dimulai..

Sejumlah pelajaran yang membosankan,melelahkan,pun kita lalui

Di antaranya matematika,bhasa inggris,dan ekonomi


Bunyi lonceng silih berganti

Tiba pula waktu istirahat

Canda gurau menghiasi perbicangan kita di "parkiran motor itu"


Lonceng pergantian jam silih berganti berbunyi

Tiba akhirnya
Lonceng tanda pulang berbunyi

Sperti biasa
Para lelaki jomblo berkumpul dbwah pohon

Phon it dinamakan "pohon cinta"
Phon yang memiliki bnyk critaa
Phon tempat para remaja bersinggah

Disitu tempat kekompakan kita terlihat
Tawa senyum melengkapi wajah kita yang lelah stelah ditemani pelajaran yang membosankan

Di phon itu
Tempat kita bersama menikmati lezatnya "gorangan"

Di pohon itu pula
Tempat kita bersiul-siul
Sambil memanggil cewek yang lewat melintasi mata keranjang kita

Perpisahan merusak cerita kita
Cerita SMA kita

Perpisahan yang tak bisa dhindari

Kini kita tlah menjalani hidup masing"
Sebagai mahasiswa..

Sebuah perjalan hidup yang harus kita pilih
Sebuah perjalan hidup yang tak mungkin dihindari

Kenanglah teman
Masa" SmA kita yang penuh akan cerita..

Sampai tua nanti
Kalian tlah punya jalan hidup masing"

Ingatla cerita indah masa" SMA

Luv u all


when i'm arrived in the world
i remember your smile
to welcome your baby
baby of  your flesh and blood
you buckle me with your affection
you hug me with your love
you say all your hope

I like your pawn
that you want to move me to get a victory
victory in this hard life

maybe  I don't think
when you're mad at me
that's when you show me your affection,your love

time passed
now we are separated between the two islands
but your wise figure still in my heart
maybe hard to my tongue to say "I love you, dad"
maybe my attitude always ignore your advice that make you angry
or maybe,i always deny my promise to you and then i make youdissapointed
listen to me,dad
behind your son's harsh heart
behind your son's bad attitude
"He love you"
more than you know
maybe through this poem
you will know
I love u

" This poem may not mean anything on your birthday, but I promise one day I will give something special to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ,pi"

 (ne waktu bokap ultah,gw kasi puisi ini,hehe so swit ya?skali2 gapapa lah)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My life in the fucking hell

Wah ini  masa lalu yang bener2 gw harap ga akan ada kdua kalinya,bener2 serasa hidup di neraka,fuckkkk!
ceritanya abis maen bola panas2,kurang tidur,malah banyak nyamuk di kos2an gw,waktu gw ngampus,kepala gw rasanya muter2 ,lemes banget,badan panas.,alhasil gw izin sama dosen gw ,buat balik ke kos dan istirahat.Sampe di kos2an,panas nya malah tamba parah,kepla gw tambah pusing.Gw telen to panadol trus gw bawa tidur sampe besok,panas naek turun,sampe 3 hari gw kaya gt2 aja,padahal gw kalo panas ato pusing ga perna lebih dari 1 hari.Taik ga tuh?,pas hari ke 4 gw putsin ajak temen2 gw ke RS buat cek up,dan ternyata,do u know ,dawg?gw positif demam berdarah,"apa sih demam berdarah itu?,makanan dari mana si itu?ga terkenal kayaknya!",emang harus ngadepin tu yang namanya realita,taik banget,gw masuk rawat inap.dan gw mulai mikir betapa mati gayanya gw tidur dirumah sakit untuk pertama kali(dan terkahir kalo gw harap).Untungnya guys,hari pertama agak terhibur gw,ehehe,why?gw dtemenin gebetan gw waktu itu(skrg mantan pacar statusny).dy jagain gw,behhh kayak di film2 jadinya,upsss ,actually i not interested to talk about her,masa lalu itu brayy,kalo kata orang "dont look back,just see the futuree:.Anyway,5 hari gw dirawat disana,like a fucking hell deh,.udah ga mandi,di infus(anjink! cukup skali aja gw tw rasanya d infus),tiap hari makan makanan sampah,ga boleh makan nasi,ga bole makan goreng2an,bunu aja dok,sus,ato para looser yang ada disana,hari ke 6 gw diperbolehkan balik ke kos karena trombosit uda turun.You know guys,what i feel when im free from fucking place itu?? serasa narapidana yang bebas penjara selama 15 tahun,bener2 ga mw lagi gw demam berdarah,PERSETAN la dengan penyakit itu!

Psenn saya buat yang sering begadang,apa lagi t4 nya banyak nyamuk,jangan sampe ke capekan deh,truss kalo ngalamin gejala panas naek turun,cepet2 ke RS,bisa lewat guys,emang taik dah

see yaa


The Changcuters

The Changcuters dibentuk di Bandung pada tahun 2005. Personelnya adalah Mohammad Tria Ramadhani alias Tria (vokal), Muhammad Iqbal atau Qibil (backing vocal & gitaris), Arlanda Ghazali Langitan atau Alda (gitaris), Dipa Nandastra Hasibuan atau Dipa (bassis), dan Erick Nindyoastomo alias Erick (drummer).

Berdirinya band ini diprakarsai oleh Dipa, Tria dan Qibil yang teman sekampus. Mereka pun mengajak Alda dan Erik, yang juga teman Qibil main band saat SMU. Nama The Changcuters bukan bermakna jorok atau berasal dari Bahasa Sunda yang berarti pakaian dalam pria. Tapi berasal dari nama seorang sahabat, Cahaya, yang popular di mata mereka lantaran lucu.
Pada bulan Agustus 2006 mereka merilis album Mencoba Sukses secara indie dengan bantuan Uki Peterpan, namun tak seperti harapan yang dituangkan di judul albumnya, album ini kurang sukses di pasaran.
Keberuntungan mereka mulai nampak setelah mereka digaet Sony-BMG pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun yang sama mereka merilis album Mencoba Sukses Kembali dengan singel andalan seperti Racun Dunia, I Love U Bibeh dan Hijrah Ke London.

Album ini sukses berat dan setelah itu mereka pun laris di luar bidang musik. Selain bintang iklan, The Changcuters juga sempat membintangi film layar lebar berjudul Tarix Jabrix 1 dan 2.

Tahun 2009 ini The Changcuters akan merilis album keduanya yang berjudul  The Changcuters & Misteri Kalajengking Hitam.Adapun single andalan dari album ini seperti Main Serong,Senandung pertemanan,Suka-suka,yang tak kalah sukses dengan lagu2 dari album mencoba sukses kembali.The Changcuters juga bermain dalam film komedi yang berjudul "curchang(curhat Changcuters) di salah satu stasiun TV swasta,

Sumber : Thechangcuters

Eminem best rapper forever and ever!!

Hello guysss,i want share a story about my favourite Rapper,Eminem

Eminem, born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, 17 October 1973, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. This white rapper burst onto the US charts in 1999 with a controversial take on the horrorcore genre. Mathers endured an itinerant childhood, living with his mother in various states before eventually ending up in Detroit at the age of 12. He took up rapping in high school before dropping out in ninth grade, joining ad hoc groups Basement Productions, the New Jacks, and D12. The newly named Eminem released a raw debut album in 1997 through independent label FBT. Infinite was poorly received, however, with Eminem earning unfavourable comparisons to leading rappers such as Nas and AZ. His determination to succeed was given a boost by a prominent feature in Source's Unsigned Hype column, and he gained revenge on his former critics when he won the Wake Up Show's Freestyle Performer Of The Year award, and finished runner-up in Los Angeles' annual Rap Olympics. The following year's The Slim Shady EP, named after his sinister alter-ego, featured some vitriolic attacks on his detractors. The stand-out track, "Just Don't Give A fuck", became a highly popular underground hit, and led to guest appearances on MC Shabaam Sahddeq's "Five Star Generals" single and Kid Rock's Devil Without A Cause set. As a result, Eminem was signed to Aftermath Records by label boss Dr. Dre, who adopted the young rapper as his protege and acted as co-producer on Eminem's full-length debut. Dre's beats featured prominently on The Slim Shady LP, a provocative feast of violent, twisted lyrics, with a moral outlook partially redeemed by Eminem's claim to be only "voicing" the thoughts of the Slim Shady character. Parody or no parody, lyrics to tracks such as "97 Bonnie & Clyde" (which contained lines about killing the mother of his child) and frequent verbal outbursts about his mother were held by many, outside even the usual Christian moral majority, to be deeply irresponsible. The album was buoyed by the commercial success of the singles "My Name Is" and "Guilty Conscience" (the former helped by a striking, MTV-friendly video), and climbed to number 2 on the US album chart in March 1999.

Eminem subsequently made high profile appearances on Rawkus Records' Soundbombing Volume 2 compilation and Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott's Da Real World. He was also in the news when his mother filed a lawsuit claiming that comments made by the rapper during interviews and on The Slim Shady LP had caused, amongst other things, emotional distress, damage to her reputation and loss of self-esteem. None of which harmed the sales of Eminem's follow-up album, The Marshall Mathers LP, which debuted at number 1 on the US album chart in May 2000 and established him as the most successful rapper since the mid-90s heyday of 2Pac and Snoop Doggy Dogg. By the end of the year, however, his troubled personal life and a serious assault charge had removed the gloss from his phenomenal commercial success. Despite criticism from gay rights groups, the rapper swept up three Grammy Awards the following February. He also reunited with his D12 colleagues to record the transatlantic chart-topping Devil's Night.

Although he's only been in the public eye since 1999, Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem) has crammed at least a decade's worth of career highs and lows into those few short, high-profile years. The Detroit-based Dr. Dre prot�g� has invoked the wrath of women and homosexuals with his offensive lyrics; become enemies with Moby, Everlast, Fred Durst, and Christina Aguilera; provided tabloids with plenty of gossip fodder regarding his personal life...and in the process become just about the biggest rock star on the planet. This is because Eminem isn't just about controversy and shock value: This often misunderstood major talent has actually given white rappers genuine credibility in this post-Vanilla Ice age with his string of dynamic hits (both solo and with his side group, D12), his plethora of Grammy nominations, his critically acclaimed film 8 Mile, and his three multiplatinum studio albums, which--once one gets past the hype and hullabaloo that surround them--are some of the most creative, original, and exciting releases of the rap genre (or any musical genre) in the past decade.

Mathers was born into a poor, working-class family on October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri, though he spent much of his youth in Detroit, the city he would eventually put on the rap map. Originally taking on the stage name M&M (later changed to its current spelling), at age 14 he became a battle rapper, competing against other Detroit MCs in local clubs. After a short stint with a rap act called New Jacks, in 1995 he made his recording debut with a group called Soul Intent, which introduced him to a rapper named Proof, who appeared on that single's B-side. Eminem and Proof soon started a new group called D12 with four other MCs (Bizarre, Kon Artis, Swift, and Kuniva), while Eminem simultaneously launched his solo career with two independent releases, 1996's Infinite and 1997's The Slim Shady EP, which featured his trademark dark, disturbing, angry lyrics. Eminem drew from his troubled personal life when penning such bleak words: He had just had a daughter with his on/off girlfriend, Kim, with whom he had a very tumultuous relationship; he was estranged from his mother, with whom he also frequently butted heads; he was abusing alcohol and drugs with alarming frequency; and he had attempted suicide on at least one occasion. Though these harrowing experiences provided inspiration for some brilliant if nasty and offensive lyrics, Mathers was at such a low point in his life that it seemed there was nowhere to go but up.

Enter Interscope Records honcho Jimmy Iovine, who--impressed by Eminem's fresh and bold style--approached the struggling rapper after seeing him take second place in the freestyle category at 1997's Rap Olympics. Iovine later played Eminem's demo tape for super-producer and former Death Row Records chief/NWA member Dr. Dre, who immediately liked what he heard, contacted Eminem, and started a fruitful creative partnership with Eminem that exists to this day. (Legend has it that the two recorded Eminem's first big hit single, "My Name Is," within an hour after first meeting each other.) Interscope quickly signed Mathers, and Dre produced his major-label debut album, The Slim Shady LP, which was released in February 1999 to both massive acclaim and derision, eventually going triple-platinum.

Eminem's follow-up, 2000's Marshall Mathers LP, was an even bigger phenomenon, selling almost 2 million copies in its first week of release alone, thus becoming the fastest-selling hip-hop album of all time. However, the album stirred up even more of an uproar than its predecessor, making Mathers the target of much public hatred. Among other conflicts and controversies, the album created a feud with pop princess Christina Aguilera (the single "The Real Slim Shady" alleged that she had performed oral sex on both Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst and MTV's Carson Daly); led his mother to file a defamation lawsuit against him (a judge later dismissed the case); and generated accusations of homophobia and sexism mostly centering around the songs "Kill You" and "Kim" (the latter a rant about the mother of his child, whom he had recently married but would soon divorce, and later reconcile with yet again). But Eminem thrived on the controversy, becoming an even bigger superstar and racking up a surprising number of Grammy nominations in 2001, much to the chagrin of his many outspoken detractors. And he kept people guessing about how much of the Slim Shady "character" was really the real deal, when he performed a duet version of his single "Stan" with the openly gay Elton John at the Grammys ceremony, even warmly hugging Elton onstage. Mathers won three Grammys that night--Best Rap Solo Performance (for "The Real Slim Shady"), Best Rap Performance By A Duo Or Group (for his work on the Dr. Dre duet "Forgot About Dre"), and Best Rap Album (for The Marshall Mathers LP)--adding to the two statuettes he'd won the previous year for "My Name Is" (Best Rap Solo Performance) and The Slim Shady LP (Best Rap Album).

There seemed no stopping Eminem--not even convictions on weapons and assault charges (stemming from separate incidents involving his estranged wife with another man and rival Detroit rap act Insane Clown Posse). Eminem was sentenced to community service and kept on recording, releasing Devil's Night with old group D12 in 2001 and then The Eminem Show, one of the most critically heralded albums of 2002 and his most personal work yet. He also revealed more of his real-life persona in 8 Mile, a Rocky-style feelgood flick lensed by L.A. Confidential/Wonder Boys director Curtis Hanson that presented a sort of cleaned-up version of Eminem's rags-to-riches life story. Eminem put on such an impressive performance in the film that there was actually speculation that he would receive a Best Actor nomination at the Oscars in 2003.

While Eminem may have seemed like a novelty act at first--with his shocking, four-letter lyrics, cartoonish bad-boy image, and, of course, pale skin color (a real anomaly in hip-hop)--he has since established himself as one of the most important artists of his time and a true force to be reckoned with, continuing to cross both color boundaries and genre boundaries with his edgy, rock-tinged raps. With his turbulent personal life, powder-keg temper, and tendency to tangle with the law, it is still uncertain how long his career will last before he burns out, but it's already obvious that his music had made history and will long outlast any controversy that dogs him.

In a few short months, Eminem has gone from being one of the most heralded emcees in independent hip-hop to one of the most provocative, controversial rappers in contemporary pop music. The overnight success of his debut album, The Slim Shady LP, literally rocked the rap world, making him one of the biggest music success stories of 1999. But Eminem is more than the latest rap artist to blow up. He's spent the last several years paying his dues, and his lyrics, which cover topics such as poverty and single parenthood, reflect a rough upbringing. His unlikely acceptance by the pop mainstream has made some wonder how his popularity will affect the future of hip-hop music.

Before he had the world singing along to "My Name Is �," he was Marshall Mathers, a poor kid growing up in Warren, Mich. "It's like the real, stereotypical, trailer park, white trash," Eminem told Rap Pages earlier this year. As a child, he and his mother moved constantly, staying at relatives' homes in places as disparate as Warren and Kansas City, Mo. As a result, Marshall found it difficult to make friends, and he retreated into his comic books and television. "I didn't really start opening up until eighth grade, going into ninth," he said.

When Mathers was 12, his mother finally settled down on the east side of Detroit. There, he attended Lincoln Junior High School and Osbourne High School, hanging out with friends and listening to artists like LL Cool J and the 2 Live Crew. He battled against other rappers at his high school, and quickly gained a reputation as a nimble rhymer. But his penchant for skipping school led him to fail the ninth grade. After dropping out of high school, he held down several odd jobs, while continuing to work on his craft. "I tried to go back to school five years ago," he said, "but I couldn't do it. I just wanted to rap and be a star one day."

Mathers rapped in several groups such as Basement Productions, the New Jacks, and Sole Intent, before deciding to go solo. In 1997, he released an album, Infinite, through a local company called FBT Productions; it was met with derision from the local hip-hop community. "I was getting a lot of feedback saying I sounded like Nas or Jay-Z," he admitted. Despite the criticism, Eminem continued to promote himself through shows and appearances at radio stations and freestyle competitions across the nation. His perseverance garnered him a notice in the Source's influential "Unsigned Hype" column. Later that year, he won the 1997 Wake Up Show Freestyle Performer of the Year from L.A. DJs Sway and Tech, and earned second place in Rap Sheet magazine's "Rap Olympics," an annual freestyle rap competition.

In 1998, Eminem put out The Slim Shady EP, which contained the original version of "Just Don't Give A �" "Slim Shady is the evil side of me, the sarcastic, foul-mouthed side of me," he said during an interview with the Source. The EP made him an underground star, and Eminem was invited to appear on underground MC Shabaam Sahdeeq's "Five Star Generals" single, Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause, and other rap releases. At the end of the year, Eminem put out a popular 12-inch, "Nuttin' to Do/ Scary Movies," with fellow Detroit rapper Royce the 5'9".

Meanwhile, a copy of The Slim Shady EP made its way into the hands of Dr. Dre, the legendary creator of The Chronic and N.W.A., and current president of Aftermath Entertainment. Dr. Dre quickly signed Eminem to his label, and the two began preparing The Slim Shady EP for a full-fledged release, adding songs like "My Name Is �" and "Guity Conscience." Early in 1999, Eminem made the world take notice with his charismatic video for "My Name Is �" parodying everyone from Marilyn Manson to the President of the United States. Shortly afterward, The Slim Shady LP debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard Album Chart. Its sensationalistic depiction of rampant drug use, rape, sex, and violence horrified some; equally disturbing was Eminem's various four-letter-word insults directed at his mother and songs like "'97 Bonnie and Clyde," where Eminem fantasized about killing the mother of his child.

In defense, Eminem claimed that he was just speaking his mind. "I do feel like I'm coming from a standpoint where people don't realize there are a lot of poor white people," he explained in the Source. "Rap music kept my mind off all the bulls--t I had to go through." His cynical take on life struck a chord with millions of rap fans, and drove The Slim Shady LP to double-platinum-plus sales. He began to tour, including a solo jaunt with the Beatnuts and Mixmaster Mike.

While most in the hip-hop community greeted Eminem with open arms, others took a more cautious approach, wondering why rock stations across the country who never played rap music added "My Name Is �" to their playlists. Was it because Eminem was the first "legitimate" white rapper to gain widespread popularity? "I'm white in a music started by black people. I'm not ignorant to the culture and I'm not trying to take anything away from the culture," he said in his defense. "But no one has a choice where they grew up or what color they are. If you're a rich kid or a ghetto kid you have no control over your circumstance. The only control you have is to get out of your situation or stay in it."

Throughout the year, Eminem has continued to record for other artists, making appearances on Sway and Tech's This or That compilation, DJ Spinna's Heavy Beats Vol. 1, Missy Elliott's Da Real World, the Soundbombing 2 compilation, and Dr. Dre's highly anticipated sequel to The Chronic, Chronic 2001: No Seeds. And in June and July of 1999, the rapper took to the road with the Warped tour, filling in for Cypress Hill, who decided to forgo the tour in favor of recording its next album.

After wrapping up his touring commitments, Eminem plans to take a short break before returning to the studio to record the follow up to The Slim Shady LP. In the meantime, he can bask in the glow of his many awards. Not only is he up for Best New Artist in the Source's Hip-Hop Music Awards, he also garnered four MTV Video Music Awards � "My Name Is �" nabbed nods for Best Male Video, Best New Artist, and Best Director, and "Guilty Conscience" earned him a Breakthrough Video nomination.

The average rapper wouldn't be able to grace the pages of Rap Pages, VIBE, Rolling Stone, Spin, The Source, URB and Stress and go on a national tour months before their major-label debut album is released. Then again, Eminem isn't an average rapper. He's phenomenal.

The impending release of the The Slim Shady LP, his first set on Aftermath/Interscope Records, already has underground hip-hop heads fiending for Eminem. Chock full of dazzling lyrical escapades that delve into the mind of a violently warped and vulgar yet extremely talented wordsmith, the 14-cut collection contains some of the most memorable and demented lyrics ever recorded.

For Eminem, his potentially controversial and undoubtedly offensive songs will strike a chord with a multitude of hip-hop loyalists who believe they have little to lose and everything to gain.

"I'm not alone in feeling the way I feel," he says. "I believe that a lot of people can relate to my shit--whether white, black, it doesn't matter. Everybody has been through some shit, whether it's drastic or not so drastic. Everybody gets to the point of 'I don't give a fuck.'"

Those words are more than just a slogan for the Detroit resident. "I Just Don't Give A Fuck" and "Brain Damage" are the two songs comprising Eminem's initial single from The Slim Shady LP. Each tune is sure to paralyze meek listeners with their relentless lyrical assault. Produced primarily by long-time collaborators FBT Productions, the Slim Shady LP also features beatwork from Aftermath CEO Dr. Dre. The N.W.A. alum handled beats for "My Name Is" (the second single), "Guilty Conscience" and "Role Model."

Dr. Dre was so impressed after hearing Eminem freestyling on a Los Angeles radio station that he put out a manhunt for the Michigan rhymer. Shortly thereafter, Dre signed Eminem to his Aftermath imprint and the two began working together. Thoroughly impressed with Eminem's previously released independent Slim Shady EP, Dre said they would include many of the EP's tracks on the album.

"It was an honor to hear the words out of Dre's mouth that he liked my shit," Eminem says. "Growing up, I was one of the biggest fans of N.W.A, from putting on the sunglasses and looking in the mirror and lipsinking to wanting to be Dr. Dre, to be Ice Cube. This is the biggest hip-hop producer ever."

But like many other rappers, Eminem's rise to stardom was far from easy. After being born in Kansas City and traveling back and forth between KC and the Detroit metropolitan area, Eminem and his mother moved into the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12. Switching schools every two to three months made it difficult to make friends, graduate and to stay out of trouble.

Rap, however, became Eminem's solace. Battling schoolmates in the lunchroom brought joy to what was otherwise a painful existence. Although he would later drop out of school and land several minimum-wage-paying, full-time jobs, his musical focus remained constant.

Eminem released his debut album, Infinite, in 1996. Desperate to be embraced by the Motor City's hip-hop scene, Eminem rapped in such a manner that he was accused of sounding like Nas and AZ.

"Infinite was me trying to figure out how I wanted my rap style to be, how I wanted to sound on the mic and present myself," he recalls. "It was a growing stage. I felt like Infinite was like a demo that just got pressed up."

After being thoroughly disappointed and hurt by the response Infinite received, Eminem began working on what would later become the Slim Shady EP -- a project he made for himself. Featuring several scathing lines about local music industry personalities as well as devious rants about life in general, the set quickly caught the ear of hip-hop's difficult-to-please underground.

"I had nothing to lose, but something to gain," Eminem says of that point in his life. "If I made an album for me and it was to my satisfaction, then I succeeded. If I didn't, then my producers were going to give up on the whole rap thing we were doing. I made some shit that I wanted to hear. The Slim Shady EP, I lashed out on everybody who talked shit about me."

By presenting himself as himself, Eminem and his career took off. Soon after giving the Rap Coalition's Wendy Day a copy of the Infinite album at a chance meeting, she helped the aspiring lyrical gymnast secure a spot at the Coalition�s 1997 Rap Olympics in Los Angeles, where he won second place in the freestyle competition. During the trip, Eminem and his manager, Paul Rosenberg, gave a few people from Interscope Records his demo and he made his major radio debut on the world famous Wake Up Show with Sway and Tech. Realizing that this was the opportunity of his lifetime, Eminem delivered a furious medley of lyrics that wowed his hosts and radio audience alike.

"I felt like it's my time to shine," Eminem says of that performance. "I have to rip this. At that time, I felt that it was a life or death situation."

Eminem would soon record the underground classic "5 Star Generals." This record helped establish him in Japan, New York and Los Angeles. It also helped him earn a spot on the inaugural Lyricist Lounge tour, which took him to stages from Philadelphia to Los Angeles.

Set to take the hip-hop world by storm with his unique lyrical approach and punishing production, Eminem and his The Slim Shady LP are sure to have listeners captivated.

"I do say things that I think will shock people," he says. "But I don't do things to shock people. I'm not trying to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet. So while I'm here, I might as well make the most of it."

Who would have guessed that a white boy from Michigan would be the one to move today's jaded hip-hop world? Without any warning, Eminem burst onto the rap scene spouting more vulgarity than ever with his first 14-cut collection, The Slim Shady LP, distributed by Aftermath/Interscope Records. "I Just Don't Give a F--k," the signature piece on his demented album, and "Brain Damage," which literally did just that to listeners, are the two most notable songs exhibiting for his dirty mouth. So good, in fact, that legendary rap artist/producer Dr. Dre scouted the angry chirpster after hearing him freestyle on the radio to collaborate on Dre's own label, Aftermath. The impressed Dre did not hesitate to include many of Slim's independently released EP tracks as Eminem jumped at the offer to work with "the biggest hip-hop producer ever."

As randomly offensive as his lyrics may seem, Eminem has mastered his talent into a form of reclaiming his pride. He spent his childhood roaming from his birthplace, Kansas City, to Detroit with his mother, never being able to find a stable hometown and school. Hence he pursued a life and identity in the hip-hop culture by releasing a debut album, Infinite, in 1996. Ironically, the response to his debut stifled his self-expression as he was labelled as a Nas and AZ sound-alike. Ripe for revenge, Eminem bombarded his critics with The Slim Shady EP, which not only gave the rapper a chance at originality but also at stirring controversy with his remorseless tunes of fury.

Yet it would do him no justice to dismiss him as a spiteful cursing machine. His fascinating freestyle ability is easy to underestimate or even recognize with the scorching flames blowing out of his mouth. At the start of his rap career, Eminem personally sent a copy of his overlooked debut album to Wendy Day from the Rap Coalition. Her nod of approval got him into the Coalition's 1997 Rap Olympics in Los Angeles, where he was honoured with second place in the freestyle competition. With the help of his manager, Paul Rosenberg, Interscope Records got a hold of his demo. Finally Eminem decided that it was his "time to shine" on his radio debut on the world-famous Wake Up Show with Sway and Tech by spewing a most ferocious lyrical mix that literally slapped the faces of the hosts and listeners wide awake. His underground classic "5 Star General" stretched out to Japan, New York, and Los Angeles, which also won him a spot on the inaugural Lyricist Lounge tour.

Before long, Eminem was a superstar and one of music's most controversial figures. His shocking lyrics (both solo and with side posse D12), his duet with Elton John, his public trials with his on/off wife and estranged mother...all of these things and more kept him in the public eye so often, he made Tommy Lee look like a social recluse. But Eminem's music kept his profile high too, as his Slim Shady and Marshall Mathers LPs sold by the millions; the latter was even nominated for several Grammys, including album of the year.

In the age of bored and hungry hip-hopsters, Eminem, with his fiery eyes and blazing lyrics, has broken into the rap and hip-hop dome by melting the image of the sold-out Vanilla Ice. You may hate his anger, but it's his only ammunition, and as long he is who he is, Eminem is going to take nothing back.

sumber : EminemBiography

Gun n Roses ,expecially guitar hero legend SLASH!

Guns N’ Roses Overview:

A colossal hard rock force of the late 1980s and early ‘90s, Guns N’ Roses may have suffered a serious dent to their reputation in subsequent years, but for a short time they set the gold standard for rock ‘n’ roll attitude. Led by temperamental frontman Axl Rose, who is the only remaining member from its commercial heyday, Guns N’ Roses fused punk intensity and classic-rock song structure that proved to be a more authentic slice of hard rock and metal than their hair-metal contemporaries could ever hope to deliver. 

Early Days:

Guns N’ Roses formed in the mid-‘80s in Los Angeles. Axl Rose and guitarist Izzy Stradlin, who had been in a band together called Hollywood Rose, teamed up with some members of L.A. Guns to start a new group. But after much lineup shuffling, none of the L.A. Guns members remained, replaced by guitarist Slash, bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Steven Adler. Calling themselves Guns N’ Roses, the band successfully toured on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, signing to Geffen Records in 1986. After releasing a quickie EP, Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide, the band set to work on their first full-length album.

Unleashing 'Appetite for Destruction':

1987’s Appetite for Destruction is arguably the definitive hard rock album of the 1980s, a scary, compelling, oddly beautiful look at depravity, addiction and desperate stabs at love. Unlike much of the good-time rock ‘n’ roll being peddled by hair-metal bands of the era, there was nothing safe about the sex-and-drugs vision Guns N’ Roses sold to their audience. Rose’s vocals – high-pitched but lethal – and Slash’s muscular hard rock solos matched up perfectly with a crushing rhythm section to give a sense of authenticity to Appetite’s songs. The album has since gone 18-times platinum.


ear. Combining the Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide EP with some new tracks, Lies was mostly a way to wring more dollars out of GNR’s fans before the official follow-up, but it turned out to cause nothing but headaches for the band. One of the new tracks, “One in a Million,” received immediate criticism for its homophobic and bigoted lyrics, opening the door to accusations that Guns N’ Roses weren’t so much documenters of the seedy side of life but actually revelers in its ugliest aspects.

A Sprawling Double Album:

Trying to top Appetite, Guns N’ Roses got insanely ambitious on their next release. Clocking in at around 150 minutes and divided into two separate albums, 1991’s Use Your Illusion records didn’t have the focus of Appetite for Destruction, but their stylistic breadth was astounding, covering everything from orchestral ballads to techno to classic rock. Though enormously successful, the records also reflected band tension – drummer Matt Sorum had replaced Steven Adler, and Izzy Stradlin was unhappy with Rose’s desire to expand the group’s reach beyond hard rock. 

The Beginning of the End:

The wheels fell off after the Illusion albums. After releasing an album of covers called "The Spaghetti Incident?" in 1993, the band essentially ceased to exist. The pivotal moment most fans point to was Slash’s decision to leave the band in ’96, which, coupled with the defections of other core members, gave Rose sole control of the Guns N’ Roses brand. Undeterred, Rose continued to work on material, recruiting different session players and hiring new band members, only to see them leave and be replaced by other musicians. Slash went on to form Velvet Revolver with other former GNR members and never looked back. 

What Is 'Chinese Democracy'?:

Chinese Democracy, Axl Rose’s long-gestating follow-up to the Use Your Illusion records, has been rumored to come out on several different occasions. Leaked songs, allegedly from the Chinese Democracy sessions, have surfaced from time to time, but the critical response to them was tepid at best. Best Buy announced that its chain stores would exclusively sell Chinese Democracy in 2008, but after years of promised release dates that never came to fruition, fans were understandably not holding their breath. Nevertheless, the album was officially released on November 23. 

Guns N’ Roses Discography:

Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide (EP) (1986)
Appetite for Destruction (1987)
G N' R Lies (1988)
Use Your Illusion I (1991)
Use Your Illusion II (1991)
"The Spaghetti Incident?" (cover album) (1993)
Live Era '87-'93 (live album) (1999)
Greatest Hits (best-of) (2004)
Chinese Democracy (2008)

Guns N' Roses Quotes:

Axl Rose, on the bands that imitate Guns N' Roses.
"It doesn't bother me at all except when I feel bands aren't pushing themselves creatively. I don't enjoy being imitated; I'd rather inspire than be imitated … We never tried to be like AC/DC or the Rolling Stones, but we were certainly massively inspired by them." Slash, on his initial thoughts about "Sweet Child o' Mine," their breakthrough single.
"I hated it for years. Even writing and rehearsing to make it a complete song was like pulling teeth. For me, at the time, it was a very sappy ballad."
Axl Rose, on his reputation for starting shows late.
"I pretty much follow my own internal clock, and I perform better later at night. Nothing seems to work out for me until later at night. And it is our show. I don't want to make people sit around and wait - it drives me nuts. That hour-and-a-half or two-hour time period that I'm late going onstage is living hell, because I'm wishing there was any way on earth I could get out of where I am and knowing I'm not going to be able to make it."
Slash, on the chances of the original band getting back together.
"I don't think that's ever been for me to say. That's a question that should be directed at Axl."

Sumber : Gunnroses