Monday, October 17, 2011

Orang Katrok itu masih ada !

Singkat saja,saya sekarang Magang di sebuah hotel.Program dari kampus yang "harus" saya laluidi semester 5 ini,jadi selama 6 bulan ngga kuliah..Perasaan pas Magang gado-gado,ada seneng,capek,bosan,campur aduk lah.Seneng sih bisa dapet ilmu yang dulu pas ngampus gw belom dapet.Seneng jg kenal orang-orang hebat,dan mereka yang memiliki kepribadian berbeda-beda.

Nah perasaan yang agak ini agak beda dengan yang lain.yaaa,perasaan dongkol..dongkol sama beberapa orang atau bahkan sekumpulan orang2 yang masi KATROK,ya pemikiran ny jaman batu banget,mgkn otak2 mereka harus dicuci bersih bersih.Kaaga ada habisny orang2 yang masi bedain,ini CINA ,ini PRIBUMI,well,mau lu mata nya sipit,mata lu belo,kulit item kulit putih,lu lahir di Indonesia,lu tinggal di Indonesia.Bahasa lu bahasa Indonesia.ya lu INDONESIAN kan,right?

Selama ini sih masih dalam batas kewajaran,cuman ada 1 orang ( cewek ga tahanny),tiap kali gw ketemu atau berpapasan dengan dia ,pasti do'i panggil gw, "oi CINA".dan gw gatau salah gw apa sama dia.kadang bawaan mau ketawa masi ada ajaorang katrok kaya do'i (sebut aja rosa).kadang mau marah pengen gw hajar,gw masi mikir katrok2 kaya gitu rossa ttep ceewek.Tapi gw manusia biasa juga,pnya batas kesabaran,didiemin ngelunjak ini si rossa,ya mau gimana lagi,susah bergaul dgn orang yang Otak,mulut,dengan PANTAT ny deket.*sigh.

oiya bukan berarti gw cuman brani di belakang,ga brani di depan,cuman gw masi mikir gw magang 6 bulan,masi nyisa 3 bulan lagi,cuman bisa bersabar :)

*nicequote : If you fuckin' love your enemy,you already have a victory *walopun susah tapi harus gw coba

SALAM damai


Saturday, June 18, 2011

30 Seconds to Mars

30Seconds to Mars , Band America ( Los Angeles).Terbentuk pada tahun 1998 ,tapi sejak ditinggal Matt Wachter( Sekarang di Angles & Airwaves) tahun 2007,30STM hanya dipunggawai oleh 3 Personil ,yaitu

1.Jared Leto (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, songwriter)
(born December 26, 1971) is an American actor and musician. He began his education by studying art, and then later,film and video. Leto gained fame during his role as Jordan Catalano in My So-Called Life. He has appeared in films such as Fight ClubGirl, InterruptedPanic RoomAmerican PsychoAlexanderRequiem for a DreamLord of WarPrefontaine and Mr. Nobody. He is the lead vocalistrhythm guitarist and main songwriter for the American rock band 30 Seconds to Mars and has directed music videos under the pseudonym Bartholomew Cubbins.

2.Shannon Leto (drum,percussion)
(born March 9, 1970) is an American drummer and an occasional actor. He is the older brother of musician and actor Jared Leto; both are part of the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars

3. Tomo Milicevic (lead guitar, keyboards)
 (born September 3, 1979 in SarajevoBosnia and Herzegovina) is a Bosnian Croat - American musician. He is currently the lead guitarist of the alternative rock band 30 Seconds to Mars.
Paling kiri Tomo.Jared.Shannon

dan tidak lupa additional player Tim Kelleher (bass).30 STM sejauh ini sudah merilis 3 albumm,antara lain  30 Seconds to Mars (2002); A Beautiful Lie (2005); This Is War (2009) .
Kata mereka tentang nama "30Seconds to Mars"\

Jared Leto :  " For us, the name 30 Seconds To Mars has little to do with space, the universe or anything like that. It is a name that works on several different levels. Most importantly, it is a good representation of our sound. It's a phrase that is lyrical, suggestive, cinematic, and filled with immediacy. It has some sense of otherness to it. The concept of space is so overwhelming and all encompassing I doubt there is a song written that doesn't fall within it"

Shannon Leto :""It represents a lot of things. This professor had a thesis. It was talking about where technology was going; the evolution of man and how that plays a role. A sub-category was 30 Seconds To Mars. It was like the exponential growth of humans. We are literally 30 seconds away from Mars. Everything is right here and right now; everything is just so crazy and fast"

Sejauh ini ,30 STM telah memenangkan 42 Awards dari 65 Nominasi.

YearNominated workAwardResult
2006The KillMTV2 Best SingleWon
2006The KillFuse Fangoria Chainsaw Awards 'Video Inspired by Film Award'Won
2006The KillMTVu Woodie Awards 'Live Action'Won
200730 Seconds To MarsKerrang! Award 'Best International Newcomer'Nominated
2007The KillKerrang! Award 'Best Single'Won
200730 Seconds To MarsTRL Award 'Best New Artist'Won
2007The KillMTV Video Music Award 'Best Rock Video'Won
2007The KillMTV Video Music Award 'Video Of The YearWon
200730 Seconds To MarsMTV Euripe Music Award 'Rock Out'Won
200730 Seconds To MarsFuse 'Best of 2007'Won
200830 Seconds To MarsBandit Rock Award 'Best International Breakthrough'Won
2008A Beautiful LieMTV Asia Award 'Video Star'Won
2008From YesterdayKerrang! Award 'Best Single'Won
200830 Seconds To MarsKerrang! Award 'Best International Band'Won
200830 Seconds To MarsLost Premios MTV 'Best International Rock Artist'Won
200830 Seconds To MarsMTV Europe Music Award 'Rock Out'Won
2008A Beautiful LieMTV Europe Music Award 'Video Star'Won
200830 Seconds To MarsLost Premios MTV 'Best International Rock Artist'Won
201030 Seconds To MarsKerrang! Award 'Best International Band'Won
2010Kings and QueensMTV Video Music Award 'Best Rock Video'Won
201030 Seconds To MarsMTV Europe Music Award 'Best Rock Band'Won
201130 Seconds To MarsKerrang! Award 'Best International Band'Won
2011HurricaneKerrang! Award 'Best Single'Won

Lagu-lagu mereka sangat asik didengar ,Cukup mengisi kejenuhan saya apabila saya lagi bosan dengan lagu2 GNR..Berikut beberapa hits mereka yang bener-bener saya demen ..

Tanggal 22 Juli 30 STM bakal perform di Indonesia ( Java Rockin' Land) ,tapi nasib saya masi gantung ,pengen banget nonton,tapi ada beberapa faktor x yang buat saya kemungkinan ga nonton..

Salam Damai


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

bon anniversaire 20th !

Tanggal 13 Juni 2011 kemaren adalah hari yang cukup bersejarah buat saya (sory LEBIH) ,karena kemaren adalah hari ulang tahun saya yang ke 20 (kepala 2 gan hehe) .Ngga panjang dan Ngga lebar ,saya hanya ingin mengucapkan Big thanks kpd Tuhan karena memiliki teman-teman dan keluarga yang begitu menyayangi saya.

1.Ninja_Clan ( Clan game(point blank) yang saya buat ,sudah hampir berumur 2 tahun ini clan ,thanks NC & maju terus!!))

20th from Ninja_clan



2. 04PC1+bangsater ! ( Kelas Hotel Management semester 4 angkatan 2009).Ini agak extreme karena saya dibuat seperti adonan kue ! but thanks a lot to them ,soalnya saya belum tentu bisa bales apa yang mereka kasih :)

For me and Evendi !
thats called " BANGSATER" ! love u guys
Me Evendi and jajaran 04PC1

Potong kue xD

dan di puncak acara ...

Awal-awal kejadian

tampak belakang

Geng 3 orang

Adonan eksotis

thanks 4PC1 girls
a Victims with 04PC1 Girls

3. Word ( mungkin sekedar kata2 ucapan biasa ,tapi bagi saya ada makna "khusus" didalamnya )

My beloved sister
Epa via Twitter 

Thats called "love"
Verdi via twitter

Kata-kata mutiara saya

BIG thanks x)

4.Twin sister

5..Thats called " LOVE"

Just a simple thing ,but very USEFULL ..

Really love this Usefull gift! x)

Thanks Dear x*
*1 lagi ga bisa di upload soalnya file nya gede.

Cuman bisa bersyukur masih ada orang2 yang care ,BIG thanks x)

Salam damaii